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Achieving a fair settlement and moving on
A Settlement Agreement (formerly known as a Compromise Agreement) is a legally binding agreement between you and your employer, and helps to resolve disputes among parties by coming to a mutual agreement on the terms.
This often entails your employer promising to pay you a sum of money so that you give up your right to go to an employment tribunal, and is especially common in cases of voluntary redundancy.
We know how stressful employment and redundancy situations can be and how important it is for you to achieve a fair settlement and move on. We are highly experienced in advising on settlement agreements, and successfully negotiating the terms.
What are the benefits of Settlement Agreements?
Settlement Agreements offer the benefit of certainty and a clean break between employee and employer, allowing you to move on in your career. You will get a document setting out what financial settlement you are to receive, together with any other aspects of termination. It is a legal requirement that you must receive specialist legal advice before signing a settlement agreement, and the earlier you do, the better chance you have for negotiating terms.
What does it cost?
Your employer will include a set contribution to the legal fees in the terms of the Settlement Agreement, which often covers the full cost.
Don't take our word for it, find out what our clients have to say...
At Ness Gallagher, we are here to provide practical and professional advice. Contact the team at Ness Gallagher to find out how we can help you.