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Family issues can be highly stressful and emotional, especially when children are involved.
Family law services
Our family team have years of experience in dealing with various family law issues, including:
Louise Gillies who heads up our Family Law team at Ness Gallagher is a member of the Family Law Association, is an Accredited Mediator in Family Mediation and is also a member of CALM Scotland (Comprehensive Accredited Lawyer Mediators).
Our knowledge and experience in the field of family law will ensure you are in good hands and that any conflict is handled as harmoniously and efficiently as possible.
Resolving the financial issues that arise in Divorce
Ensuring you leave the marriage with a settlement that is fair. If you and your spouse have acquired significant wealth over the course of your marriage, then separating can be tricky. We can guide you on the financial aspects of divorce. Our aim is to help you achieve a settlement that is fair and in your best interests, with your assets being protected as far as possible.
Family Law Mediation
In family law issues, we want to avoid court if we can. Court adds time, expense and stress to an already challenging situation. Our priority will always be to resolve the matter without you seeing the inside of the court room. We offer mediation through our accredited family law mediator.
Resolving family conflict
An approachable firm that prioritises you and your family’s needs.
Some family issues are best resolved through mediation, where a trained mediator sits in on discussions to help resolve your issues or to iron out the details of any future arrangements. Mediation can be a great alternative to what could otherwise be a lengthy and costly court process. We will be on hand to help you arrange this if it is suited to your family’s situation.
The legal formalities and processes of family matters can feel daunting, which is why our team is here to support you throughout. Ness Gallagher solicitors will ensure you have all the necessary legal advice to make key decisions when it comes to your family. You can depend on us to get the outcome you deserve.
Don't take our word for it, find out what our clients have to say...
At Ness Gallagher, we are here to provide practical and professional advice, tailored to your family’s situation. You can be confident that we will listen to your needs carefully and help you obtain the desired result.